Jewels of the sky

One of my favorite things about spring turning to summer is the arrival of ruby-throated hummingbirds! I have loved these creatures since I was a little girl and one of the first poems I ever wrote was about them.  When I was a teenager, we had four hummingbirds that zoomed around our deck and I named them Lucy, Ricky, Fred, and Ethel.  I think perhaps from a young age I felt a kinship with these birds.  They are just tiny torpedoes of energy.  I too zoom around, fiercely protect what is mine, and have an affinity for sugar water. 

Isn’t it amazing that God created  these little jewels of the sky?  So much attention given to something so small, and honestly so fast that we rarely get a good, long look at them.  It reminds me that if God would give so much care to the smallest bird, how much more interest does God take in us? God gave hummingbirds exactly what they need, how much more does God do for us?  How fortunate we are to have such an ingenious, artistic, loving Creator!


Moment of Zen


Its A Small World