New Providence TOday

Glory To God
At New Providence, praising and glorifying our Triune God is central. We believe our individual faith is strengthened by community. So we come together to confess our sins before God and one another, being assured that we are indeed forgiven by the grace of God through Christ. Together we lift praise to God through liturgy and song, led by the New Providence Choir and New Providence Ringers, directed by Valerie Vaughan. We listen to the Word read and proclaimed, discovering jointly the depths of the Scriptures. We welcome everyone into our worship as children of God.
We offer a time for children during worship and we have a nursery available. There are additional Bible lessons prepared for children old enough to participate during the service. However, all ages are always welcome in our worship services for the duration.
Our sanctuary is a sacred space for the sacraments of Baptism and Communion. We love opening our doors to celebrate joyous marriages and to witness to the resurrection of the saints who go before us.
We hold special services throughout the year including a Music Sunday in December, Christmas Eve Service, Easter Sunrise at Sterrett’s Hill in Brownsburg, as well as a traditional Easter worship at 11:00.
We also partner with other local congregations to provide special services throughout the year such as Thanksgiving, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, etc. These are hosted at various locations.
Service For God
Since its inception in 1746, New Providence has sought to be the hands and feet of Christ both locally and globally. We believe that our service is born out of gratitude for the gift of grace freely given to each of us.
Our mission work entails: providing meals for Valley Mission Shelter in Staunton, regular donations to Kingsway Help Center, Participating in Friends of Barnabas serving children in Honduras, repairing homes in our local community through Mission Next Door.
Mission Next Door was founded as a partnership among local churches in 2007. Since its inception MND has completed over 200 projects, providing necessary repairs for homeowners who cannot otherwise afford them, at no cost to the recipient. MND is funded by several area grants, the generosity of congregations, and individuals.
Our financial offerings are utilized to support: Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, PC(U.S.A Special Offerings, “4 Cents A Meal” Hunger Program, Presbyterian Home and Family Services, Sunnyside Retirement Community, Massanetta Springs Camps and Conferences, Montreat Conference Center, WRE (Weekday Religious Education) programs in Rockbridge and Augusta counties, Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship missionaries, The Ethiopian Child Project, and Doctors Without Borders.
In 2021, we continued to support church member Doris Fredricksen in her passion for global missions. Doris has served in Honduras for many years. In 2021 she was able to visit Kenya, working in a community to dig a new well and open a community center for families there.
Community In Christ
Study, Fellowship, and Prayer are integral to our life together at New Providence.
Education has been foundational in the life of the church since its early days. In fact, New Providence was one of the first churches in North America to have a Sunday School and one of the first in the community to fund smaller neighborhood chapels. In 2022, we celebrated 100 years of our educational building. Our current opportunities for study include: Adult Sunday School at 10:00, Children’s Lessons at 11:30, Presbyterian Women’s Circle, Men’s Study Group, Wednesday Virtual Storytime for kids, and Camp J.O.Y for children. We also have a lending library for further study and pleasure reading!
You can count on friendly faces and conversation when you walk through the doors. Strengthening our relationships is an important part of being the body of Christ. Occasions for fellowship include: a light fare served following worship and meals for special occasions such as Christmas, Easter and Homecoming. We also host movie nights, game nights, and participate in community events.
Prayer is foundational in the life of our church. Whether at worship or work, service or play, we begin our time together with prayer. We take time to share our joys and concerns with one another before we turn to the Lord in prayer. We maintain a prayer list for the bulletin and a prayer chain. We also host “Son Salutations” an invitation to morning prayer via Facebook on Thursdays.