What Time is It?
What Time Is It?
“Mom, what time is it,” my son asks from his nest on the couch. A valid question since its pitch dark out at 6pm. I’ve noticed over the last few weeks it’s been harder for him to leap out of bed at the crack of dawn, sleeping much longer into the morning on the weekends. It’s funny that I prayed for this day to come, but now that it’s here I was caught by surprise…is it normal for a ten-year-old to do this? I’m assured by friends that it is. But his question brought deeper answers to the surface than just what time is shown on the clock.
What time is it?
Time to sow the seeds of reconciliation rather than animosity.
What time is it?
Time to sow peace instead of discord.
What time is it?
Time to modify swords into plough shares, spears into pruning hooks.
What time is it?
Time to study shalom instead of combat.
What time is it?
Time to stop throwing sticks and stones.
What time is it?
Time to see our neighbors as ourselves, human beings with the same blood in their veins.
What time is it?
To trek up the mountain, stop talking, and listen to God.
What time is it?
Time to witness to the intrinsic goodness of people, because God’s Spirit is indwelling.
What time is it?
Time to laugh, time to heal, time to love.
Ephesians 3:1-8, Isaiah 2: 1-4, Matthew 22:34-40, Romans 8:1-9